Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Choice is Yours

I quit my job at the Chronicle last week. And in my last week I contemplate the decision made. I leave a stable profession with a good income for the unknown. No job only an opportunity. My bags are packed and I'll be headed out shortly. With no certainty of employment, I go on faith. I will be volunteering with Generate Hope and hoping for a serving job at night until a full-time position opens up.

Close to 800,000 victims annually are trafficked across international borders worldwide. I can't continue to wake up daily with only thoughts of myself, my day, and my plans. True love is best displayed in community and not in individuality. Young children are being force into sex and I will no longer sit by in silence. I can be their voice, I can be their courage, I can be their protection. 

Finally pursuing my goal, I vow to speak louder, fight harder and reach higher for these girls. God has given me a passion for this cause. He has used these last few years to break me down and build me back up again into a stronger woman. There is no way this new path will be easy but I've already made it through some huge battles. I defy it to succeed in weakening me.

Did I make the right decision not to wait for a full time job in San Diego before leaving? At this point I'm not sure. But I do know that I'll be taken care of, even if that means eating ramen noodles and pbj's for awhile, I accept the results of my choices.

It may sound crazy. But living a mediocre and mundane life sounds crazy to me. I challenge you to follow your heart. In an economy that is screaming for you to stay put and hold on to what you have I believe that you still have a choice. Make your own journey and see it through. Wrestle with your fears and win. I believe in you.


  1. WOW! That is impressive.

    I wish you the best of luck, and even though I only knew you for a short while at Rolling Hills, I have found that you are an artistic and caring person (with a really awesome taste in music.)

    So good luck... Step into the unknown. God Provides.

    -Maxwell Erwin

  2. Great Job,you will always have my full support.

