There is a community that freely dances together; eat homemade pastries with coffee and almond milk and who sing aloud songs of freedom, love and unity. Inside the walls of Jitters Coffee Pub in Oceanside, CA sits three women who created this community. They are strong. They are beautiful. They are gracious. They are Feeding the Soul Foundation.
Feeding The Soul Foundation raises money for local, national and global charities through concerts and events. Since March 2010, FTSF has raised over $15,000 for organizations.
FTSF has many faces. They are a bowl of warm soup for the hungry on the streets of San Diego. They are guitars and keyboards for girls in LA expressing their musical talents. They are the freedom provided to slaves worldwide and the researchers searching for an end to slavery. They are the house that shelters women in San Diego who have been sexually trafficked or prostituted. They are the pink shoes running the race to find a cure for breast cancer.
But to me, they have been more than an organization. These women have welcomed me into their lives and hearts and have encouraged me daily with their service to others and their desire to see a change in this world. They live their lives to bless others and raise their voices to call attention to a world crying out for love.
I have come to know them as friends and women who refuse to leave this earth without doing their part to create a better one. They strive to create a society that is more just, a community that gives more than they take and a world without the word slavery.
At the end of their life when they look back at what they have contributed to the world, they will see lines of smiling and thankful people whose lives they have touched by their donations and their commitment to be love.
I am honored to walk alongside them on their journey and praise them for what they are doing and what they will do. I encourage you to welcome these women into your lives. They will feed your soul.
Beautifully stated. These women are amazing and inspiring individually and as a group. When I grow up.....