Wednesday, January 28, 2009

my bags are packed

I guess I knew after my first trip to Costa Rica that I wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself. I wanted to travel and experience life but I wanted to help people who were suffering. In highschool I never fully understood what that would mean for my life or where it would lead.

Throughout highschool and college I went on many mission trips and led a few of them as well. I always found my strength as a leader when I was on those trips. I knew that I was at my best when I was serving others in other countries.

So now...I'm 25 and I'm sitting in a cubicle working as someone's assistant. When I was getting my degree in journalism I'd always hoped it would be to write about issues that our world is facing, i.e. social injustice specifically in third world countries. I wanted to be their voice.

While I haven't found the right opportunity yet, I think that God is once again tugging at my heart and calling me to a life fully surrendered to Him. At this time I would be willing to go where He calls. The problem is I have no idea where He is leading me. Should I stay in Cali? in the U.S.? In another country...which country?

There are so many unanswered questions and I know that I need to just be silent and pray. God will show me in His own time. I guess I've never been a patient person and I've moved around alot since college never really finding my niche. I love SF but I realize the comfort of this place is nice but I was meant for more. God gave me a heart for his hurting people. I can't sit back any more with closed eyes and ears.

These are some organizations that I have been looking at:

I trust God will direct me to where He wants me to be when the time is right.
I'm ready. My bags are packed.

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