Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All of life is a foreign country

Do you ever consider why you meet someone at the exact moment in your life that you meet them? Why do we meet people who stay in our lives for years but remain mere acquaintances? Why do we meet people whom we share common likes, hobbies, interests with who then journey to another city, state, or country within weeks of meeting them?

Would we have been better off had we never met those men or women? The ones who we could possibly enjoy a lifelong friendship with but don't get the chance to find out because of distance? What if we we could see dating this person and they move away before we do?

The what-ifs have kept me awake lately; spending hours tossing and turning with questions in my head, I haven't found sleep in days. I've been battling with this over the last few days. I wish I knew the reason why I had to meet someone for such a short time. Is it to accomplish one major event in my life with that person or find out one thing that only they could have exposed in me?

Or maybe the meeting itself is just an insignificant coincidence. Sometimes it seems it would be easier to never have met a wonderful person who ends up moving away. Save the sadness for someone else, give me ignorance. Here's to unanswered questions.

"Of all the things I never told you, this is the lump in my throat." - Marla Hansen

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Recession What?

I've been on a shopping freeze since well...last October. (Around the time I chose to move to SD). And coming from someone who thoroughly enjoys shopping and used to go every weekend, this has been a tough few months.

Typically I'm always down for a good thrift-store find, but nowadays those finds are the only shopping moments that I can afford. So I was excited yesterday when I stumbled upon a great little dress for $9.

On it's own, plain, boring, bland. But add a belt, dress it up with some accessories, strap on my boots and I have a new favorite dress!

Who says we have to pay full price to look good? I'm "broke in my twenties" and still rocking a new outfit.

And the end result from this experience? A happy girl. I defy you to keep me down recession!

Happy hunting.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5'1" and Curvy

Love it.

Below was written in the Satorialist blog and I had to share because it beautifed the "real" woman. Curves and all. ;)

I'm in Berlin right now shooting an ad campaign. Yesterday I met Claude, her name is Claudia but she hates that name. As you can see, Claude is a beautiful example of a young lady that knows how to play up her best assets. We cast her because she has the figure of a real, everyday girl: she stands about 5'1" and she is very curvy. You can't really appreciate her curves because of her coat, but they're there. It has actually been a little difficult to find samples that fit her correctly but really, who could get past her hair, lips and those legs? She knows that these are her best featues and works with us to find looks that suit her best.

To me, this is such a great reminder to stop obsessing about my own personal imperfections and start highlighting the little gifts.

Tomorrow I'm cutting the sleeves off all of my Guy Rover shirts and showing off the guns! (For those of you who didn't understand the Pocari Sweat post, that was a joke.)