Wednesday, December 29, 2010
These Moments

Friday, December 24, 2010
A Merry Little EP
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Living Room Songs

(Photos by Natalie Warr)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Dear Mel...
Dear Mel,
Thank you. Somehow these words seem to lack the amount of emotion, humbled gratitude, and enriched soul that is behind them. I came to San Diego to pursue my passion, to change who I was into someone who was working for a greater good, and to see the lives of the women I work with restored and renewed. And in the process I met you. I met a woman who shared another passion of mine, music. I came into your world with such excitement, an outsider looking in, and quietly watching your friends join you for every opportunity to love you and support you. I remember thinking, “I want her life.”
A life filled with music, events and changing the world through the help of a little spoon flooding over with hearts. As I got to know you I saw your dedication to encouraging others and witty personality come through in every moment; never being disrupted by judging thoughts or negative energy. In San Francisco I always felt a little lost in the crowds. My love for the beautiful city was of family, a few solid friends and the richness and culture that came from that city.

But here, I’m no longer lost. I am remembered, invited and welcomed. You have been part of my happiness. With tears of gratitude I write this to build you up and encourage you for being who you are and choosing to accept all people no matter who they are. From the moment we met I felt a connection with you and saw a sincerity in you that I admired.
As I watched your community come together for a night to celebrate you, Vallie and Cat, I realized that you are part of a large and beautiful family. And you have let me sit in and see glimpses of this family work, sing and eat together. Thank you for the opportunity to no longer feel like an outsider in your world. We have our own moments now that we will share together for years to come. We have laughed many times in the past months and you have believed in me enough to share Feeding The Soul with me. We shared the Freedom Awards together, chowed down on cheesecake at the Living Room and sent e-mails back and forth that had me laughing out loud at work. I am honored to have met you and sincerely grateful for you embracing all my colors and encouraging me to continue the work I am doing in San Diego.
Friend, I pray you find strength in all you do and take refuge in your family, community and friends when you go through hard times. Allow us to build you up and bless you when we can. I write this not solely to you, but to those who read it to see what a wonderful example of love you are.

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sushi Love
I like this.
I like this stage in my life where I am continually being challenged and broken down and raised up and blessed. Sometimes I think “How can I experience joy when I am daily worrying that I won’t be able to pay my bills or my rent?” And then it happens, you bless me. You call me and encourage me with your words. You surprise me with a free meal. You hug me. You invite me to coffee. Then I think, “How can I not experience joy when love is freely poured out in so many ways?”
The other night I was able to plan a date with one of the girls in our program at GenerateHope. I called her and ask her what type of food she’d enjoy having. “Sushi!” she exclaimed, “I’ve only had sushi from Target.” So we headed downtown for some sushi and conversation. Unaware of what to order I ordered us four rolls of different varieties to give her a taste of all the wonderful selections out there. First roll – bite, swallow, smile. This was good. Next roll – bite, swallow, smile. Good. Third roll – bite, swallow, cringe. Fourth roll – bite, gag, cringe, shake, spit out. This was not good.
Unfortunately I didn’t realize that by her saying she had tried sushi she meant California rolls only and the thought of raw fish actually freaked her out. As she sat there making gagging noises and trying not to throw up I couldn’t help but smile. This may seem cruel but this beautiful girl was trying to be so grown up and eat sushi like those she saw on television or in the movies.

Thankfully she didn’t throw up any yellowtail but she announced that she was done with sushi and she “wasn’t a fan.” I tried to make up for this with Mochi ice cream. This wasn’t for her either.
Afterwards we headed over to see Alysse Fischer and Dawn Mitschele sing out their stories and their experiences. Both have amazing voices and we were both excited to be there. My date for the night mentioned other musicians she had heard about and we enjoyed sharing our favorite artists and genres. As we left for the evening I was thankful to have been able to spend my Friday night with someone so amazing and excited to learn about food, music and life.
On the car ride there she exclaimed “This has been the best day ever!” She had gotten a call back for a second interview at a job, won the prize at school for a math activity and was now going on a date with me she said. She has been through a lot and yet, here she is, telling me that she is happy, that things were going well for her.
How can I not feel joy in this life when love is all around me? Today I am thankful to be alive and thankful for people in my life who make living in this stage of life wonderful.
I like you.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
They Will Feed Your Soul

There is a community that freely dances together; eat homemade pastries with coffee and almond milk and who sing aloud songs of freedom, love and unity. Inside the walls of Jitters Coffee Pub in Oceanside, CA sits three women who created this community. They are strong. They are beautiful. They are gracious. They are Feeding the Soul Foundation.
Feeding The Soul Foundation raises money for local, national and global charities through concerts and events. Since March 2010, FTSF has raised over $15,000 for organizations.
FTSF has many faces. They are a bowl of warm soup for the hungry on the streets of San Diego. They are guitars and keyboards for girls in LA expressing their musical talents. They are the freedom provided to slaves worldwide and the researchers searching for an end to slavery. They are the house that shelters women in San Diego who have been sexually trafficked or prostituted. They are the pink shoes running the race to find a cure for breast cancer.
But to me, they have been more than an organization. These women have welcomed me into their lives and hearts and have encouraged me daily with their service to others and their desire to see a change in this world. They live their lives to bless others and raise their voices to call attention to a world crying out for love.
I have come to know them as friends and women who refuse to leave this earth without doing their part to create a better one. They strive to create a society that is more just, a community that gives more than they take and a world without the word slavery.
At the end of their life when they look back at what they have contributed to the world, they will see lines of smiling and thankful people whose lives they have touched by their donations and their commitment to be love.
I am honored to walk alongside them on their journey and praise them for what they are doing and what they will do. I encourage you to welcome these women into your lives. They will feed your soul.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wide Open Mind
But then again, perhaps living in a moment isn't as beautiful as living out today.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
You are my Song

Monday, September 20, 2010
Her Dance
With red lips and a new dress, you step out into the night
Hurry through the motions, survive
Hide the bruises he leaves on your face
Cover up his mess, don’t know why he covers up your name
Your sweet name
And this wild dance you do
No one sees his guided moves
Cause they're in it for the delight
"So you’re it for the cash?
Or is it some obsession, your past?" they come to you and ask
Nobody knows, nobody knows
Tears fill the sheets
Flow through the streets
You don't answer but think of the days
Of ballet slippers and plays
See you’re just a little girl, soft blue eyes, discover the world
Can’t you see that this she’s still alive
You’re just buried deep inside
You've seen his look before
Hollow eyes, an empty soul
Dark despair like the dark of your hair
Think “Dear Lord, is this time the last?”
The only way to get by, surrender again to the dance
You push and you pullBe Just Fine
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
fireflies and butterflies

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Rachel and the Rachels: Rollin in the Water
One of my oldest friends and her husband and brother of Rachel and the Rachels. They are amazing people and talented musicians.
Show Your Freedom Colors
Death In His Grave
Friday, August 6, 2010
Happy Friday!

Thursday, July 29, 2010
Boca Burgers and Soy Sausages

So I love meat. I love a good steak, a juicy burger or a tasty carne asada burrito. I’ve never considered being a vegetarian because of this reason. However, lately with my schedule I haven’t been able to work out or do much physical exercise. So eating has become more of a chore than an enjoyment. I have felt more tired and “heavy” after a meal than usual. So in my plight to get more energy I’ve decided to become a vegetarian for the month of August.
This isn’t because I think killing animals for food is wrong (sorry those of you who do, I don’t mean to offend you), it’s more because I want to see how much meat intake affects my body daily. I know it’s not good to consume too many meats and poultry dishes but I don’t know that I eat enough of it daily for it to make a difference. But this is what I’m looking to find out.
My friend is a vegetarian and when we go out it seems it’s harder for her to choose foods or restaurants because of it. This is the part I’m not looking forward to. I don’t want to be the girl who has to order a salad while everyone else orders burgers. But my body is crying out for a change and I’m listening. Starting Aug 1, I’m saying no to meat…and whatever else being a vegetarian entails.
Here’s to the month of August and trying something new. Who knows, maybe it’ll stick and I’ll be craving Boca burgers and Soy sausages for the rest of my life…
We’ll see.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thrifty Love

Thursday, June 17, 2010
Guest Post - "Hallo" from South Africa
Best Declaration by the South African Government:
Fridays for the last six months have officially been declared "Jersey Friday." It is my dream come true. I get to wear a sports jersey to work and actually keep my job -- it's amazing. Jersey Friday seriously laughs at Jeans Friday. I can't decide if this makes me want to live in South Africa the rest of my life or become the President, but either way it is a great thing.
Most Popular World Cup Song:
"Flags Waving." Do they play the Coke commercial in the U.S. with this song? This song is awesome and makes me want to be good at life.
Scariest Moment in Cape Town:
It was a cold dark night outside the Cape Town train station ... some guy approaches me with a handshake, three teeth and the smell of an internet cafe. I could sense that this was not a great situation. He stats to give me his story about his two children (he looks 17) and his

Reason I will need to visit a chiropractor when I get back:
My new strategy of not getting called on in class is the ducking method. I learned it from my roommate who has escaped pretty safely from being called on. He simply just ducks behind his computer screen and types away. The only difference is that he has a a17" computer with a monstrous battery and he is short. It was a strategic buy on his part. I have 15" Mac (!Mark Cruise - this is a reference to a laptop computer machine). Thus, the duck method has been helpful for me not getting punked by my professor again, but has been disastrous on my back.
Most widely used incorrect pluralization by South Africans:
"Mornings." You may know that incorrect pluralizataion/lack of pluralization is my ultimate pet peeve. (Ex: Best Buys, Barnes & Nobles, Orlando Magics, Starbuck, How are you doings, Nebraskas, Losts, Mitchell Gerrard's friends, etc...). Anyway, the South African people seem to think that there are two mornings, are afraid that they won't see you the next morning or think that the morning possesses something that goes without saying. Needless to say it makes me grumpier than I usually am in the morning(s).
Pounds gained thus far:
5-10. Sorry Esther.
Most generic roommate names Award:
Room 104 (my room). My roommates names are Nick, John, and Matt. Everyone thinks that Eric is hard to say because of my roommates.
I'll be at the England v. Algeria game tomorrow, so look for the guy in the Gerrard jersey.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
21 Days

Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Possibilities of Joy
On Tuesday I stood outside of our friend's house overlooking the Bay. We grilled hamburgers, ate Ruffles dipped in ranch and devoured homemade cookies and Oreos. As I looked around at all the new friends I had made since moving to San Diego I understood one thing. This was happiness.
I've come so far from and have seen and experienced so much. I was told this week that I "have a vibrant attitude towards life and it's contagious." Had this person been in my life only two years ago, I am confident her comment would not have existed. It's because of this that I began thinking about my short time in San Diego and how it has given me a new hope and appreciate for life.
I am truly blessed and not in a wealth sense. I have less money than I did a year ago and am struggling to pay bills monthly. But living, truly living, is much more than having money to spend on lattes, cocktails and new clothes. Give me my $3 t-shirts and $1 dresses from Amvets thrift-store any day!
The main difference in my life has been my dedication to following my dreams. Doing what I could to work with women who have been trafficked has radically changed my outlook on our world. Each day is a new day full of possibilities and arguing over the small things is hardly worth a bitter heart.
I have bad days. Of course I do. But how can I grow if I don't get challenged? I welcome the hard stuff, bring it on, I've fought through a lot and have made it out joyful.
There is a joy inside of me that will not be wasted on worrying about the future. Here I am, living only for today. Full of happiness.
Bring on the Evidence of my Life
More and more I hear of twenty-somethings leaving everything behind to help the needy. I've seen passion ignited in friends to step-up and make their lives count. The time is now, our world is suffering and we have the tools to begin working towards peace, unconditional love, and redemption of those who have been oppressed.
I found this song yesterday and have listened to it non-stop since.
"What a day to be alive/What a day to realize I'm not dead/What a day to save a dime/What a day to die trying"
"Bring on the evening hours, I cry/Bring on the evidence, of my life"
Together we are strong. Together we are one. Together we will change the world. What a day to make a difference. When my eyes close for the last time, I want people to see the evidence of my life and know that I did the best I could to make this life better for others. We've got one life, live it well and live for others. What makes your heart beat?