I thought about this for awhile. To go through life, hoping not to feel joy and hoping that when your wife holds your hand that your heart doesn't speed up. Or that when your children hug you so tightly and exclaim their love for you, that the overwhelming emotion doesn't cause you to collapse.
This last week leading up to the Feeding the Soul Foundation event for GenerateHope on Saturday, I found it extremely hard to sleep. I was too excited to sleep. Yes, I realize this puts me in the same category as six year-olds heading to Disneyland the next day. But I've been this way for as long as I can remember.
Laying in bed at night I begin to think of whatever exciting event is about to happen and my heart speeds up, my brain starts imagining the endless possibilities and my body feels as if it is ready to run a marathon. Typically, this means the next day you'll see a zombie in my place.
So, what if I couldn't experience joy or rather...was cautioned not to?
I can't imagine a life without the emotions of happiness. Have you ever considered the lack of those emotions and the blessings that they are in your life? The act of your heart feeling love or a song bringing back fond memories...you'd have to go without those experiences in order to keep from an attack.
Thinking about all this I decided I probably would have been paralyzed all week if I were that man. Just a 27-year-old girl lying on her bed hoping to wait out her positive emotions.
Whisk together lime zest and juice, butter, oil, sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4teaspoon pepper in a large bowl.
Wash quinoa in 3 changes of cold water in a bowl, draining in a sieve each time.
Cook quinoa in a medium pot of boiling salted water (1 tablespoon salt for 2 quarts water), uncovered, until almost tender, about 10 minutes. Drain in sieve*, then set sieve in same pot with 1 inch of simmering water (water should not touch bottom of sieve). Cover quinoa with a folded kitchen towel, then cover sieve with a lid (don't worry if lid doesn't fit tightly) and steam over medium heat until tender, fluffy, and dry, about 10 minutes. Remove pot from heat and remove lid. Let stand, still covered with towel, 5 minutes.
Add quinoa to dressing and toss until dressing is absorbed, then stir in remaining ingredients and salt and pepper to taste.
*(I don't have a sieve, nor do I know what it is! But I just cooked it, let it simmer with the lid on and added some extra water in the bottom. It worked out just fine)
Try it, it's simple, tasty and makes enough for a few days worth. I made some tofu with it but you can really add any ingredients you want for that. But you don't need a lot of tofu since the quinoa already has a lot of protein.
I've been reading up on quinoa and you can really make so much with it and it's a great source of protein. It also provides more amino acids, enzymes, vitamins, minerals fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients than most other grains.
Here's to healthy living and eating!
So in January '09 there was this thing on FB called "25 Things" that everyone got into posting at the same time. You were supposed to tag people on the note and write 25 things about yourself. I found this last night and thought I'd repost it for fun.
Here you go, 25 random facts about me...
1. Strangers always think they know me, used to know me, or grew up with me. It's rarely ever true.
2. I have an unnatural fear of sitting on toilets (other than in my own bathroom and even that one is sketchy to me) and so I have perfected the toilet squat.
3. In the summer when I get too hot to sleep the only thing that helps is putting a wet wash cloth on my feet. Seriously the ONLY thing that puts me to sleep.
4. I love music and spend hours on itunes and reading music mags and do searches online to find new artists and new concerts to go to.
5. I want to do it all. I want to play piano and guitar well. I want to sing in a band. I want to paint. I want to be a writer. I want to be a nurse. I want to be a missionary. I want to be a talented dancer. I want to try it all and learn it all. I am discontent not learning something new.
6. I love to laugh. I love people who have a dry, witty, sarcastic sense of humor and who can dish it back to me without skipping a beat. I also have a weird sense of humor that makes me laugh at things that other people would normally not laugh at.
7. I have a very high empathy emotion. I feel other people's joys and sadness as if they were my own. I sincerely get extremely happy and my heart starts beating rapidly at people on tv who accomplish things or receive surprises they didn't expect. I cry during many reality shows.
8. I'm a hypochondriac. I'm dyslexic, anemic, have A.D.D., arthritis, am an insomniac...I think.
9. I eat sweets instead of real food for all meals of the day.
10. I skinny dipped at midnight with two of my old roommates in Hawaii during Estie's wedding without realizing the beach was known for shark attacks.
11. My closet and dresser are color-coded and within each colored section are organized by dark to light.
12. I love red wine.
13. I blush when I talk to men. Any man, young old...I have no idea why, it has nothing to do with how I feel about them. I just tend to get shy, it's most embarrassing when it's a 60 yr old man and suddenly it's like I'm "into" him.
14. I use the restroom an obscene amount of times during the day (once an hour at the least) and will go pee anywhere when I have to go and there are no bathrooms around.
15. God is my everything and during my ups and downs He is always with me. He has shown me an unexplainable joy.
16. My biggest pet peeves are loud breathers and the phrase "I know right"
17. I love to dance.
18. I'm going to live in another country one day.
19. Apparently I look like Rosario Dawson.
20. I want to live in a musical. I live my life through my ipod and wish that people would start singing and dancing along with whatever I am listening to at the moment. Sometimes I do think they move with the music I listen to.
21. Recently I've learned to throw away plans and live life as it comes at me. I'm enjoying being a free spirit.
22. I'm a compulsive texter. I have 3500 rollover minutes because I never use my phone to make calls.
23. Sometimes I wish I was Tina Fey...or always.
24. I frequently go to the movies alone on Saturday afternoons...it's actually enjoyable.
25. I wish I could live in Hanes Men's Small White V-Neck t-shirts for the rest of my life.